Idea-sophia light and Proto-sunlight

Idea-sophia light and Proto-sunlight


What is the difference between Idea-sophia light and Proto-sunlight?
I think this is an essential problem and one of the most difficult ones.
Idea -sophia light is Proto-light of zero-degree resonant synergy of difference.
Then what is Proto-sunlight?
Well, let me consider metaphorically.
Let us assume that Proto-light is Dionysus and Proto-sunlight is Apollo.
In my imagination, vision or intuition, the former is the Media Plane itself and the latter Proto-sun.
Well, let me tentatively assume that there are two kinds of Proto-lights in the Media Plane, that is, Proto-light of Difference-side and Proto-light of Identity-side. And the totality of both means Pro-light itself. And the former is Dionysus and the latter Apollo or Proto-sun. Therefore, what I call Idea-sophia light should be total Proto-light.
From this viewpoint, what is called 'Dark Energy' of physics is concerne with Difference-side Proto-light or Dionysus. But exactly speaking, Dark Energy is the shadow of Difference-side Proto-light. We should pay the highest attention to this distinction.
To put these thoughts together, there is Difference-side Proto-light, Dionysus, as it were, Dark Light and Identity-side Proto-light, Apollo, Proto-sunlight. So what we see as light of the phenomena is shadow of the latter.
And what I call Idea-sophia light is the totality of both Proto-lights.
So I think Nietzschean idea of Dionysus and Apollo really hit the nail on the head. In other words, ancient Greeks saw the Idea-sophia light of the Media Plane or chora. They were Orientals. I think Jewish and Christian ideas destroyed the Idea-sophia light of the Media Plane of the Orient.